I am a composer, musician and creative digital artist. I was also gifted with the interesting obstacle of being deaf, a blessing and a curse at many times in my life however there is no doubt that I would not be the person I became today without the challanges, and experiences such an impediment places on a patient and inquisitive person like myself. Â
 There is much I can say on my experiences of life thus far but that can come in due course.
The main purpose of this blog or ‘online diary’ if you will is to allow people to join me as I find out what it is like to be a deaf composer in the yesterdays land of the free; the USA.
I shall be purchasing a car and visiting as many places as I can until my money runs out and I will be forced to settle down somewhere. Hopefully I will know where that ’somewhere’ is before then.
 Feel free to bookmark my site and return back to read up on where I’ve been and the experiences I will have.
Till next time…