Well here I am typing away at my Grandfathers PC, it’s like an AOL Haven with just about every single bit of AOL software installed that exists. I daresay the PC is just about holding up with it though, I guess I’ve never been much of a fan though.
I am staying with my Grandparents here in Long Island, NY. Typical American Suburbia; grid-locked streets, masses of ‘Stop’ signs and arrays of cozy houses, many donning the Stars and Stripes flag with pride.
There are so many small and subtle differences to life in the US compared with the UK that it can be a little overwhelming. I was here merely 3 years ago and yet it still is quite the culture-shock.  I suppose many of those outside America will have already been treated to the gist of patriotic gusto and borderline brash outwardness of the people thanks to the media, films and television, all showing a slice and key-hole glimpse to this countrys lifestyle but it still is the uncountable small things that can take a lot of getting used to.
The toilets are a good example, for in the UK and most of the European places visited the basins are filled with only a small amount of water, whereas the US toilets are topped to at least nearly half to three-quarters full which always makes me wary of taking ones dangly bits skinnydipping each time one takes a seat.  I suppose water-conservation isn’t such a high priority here.
It’s not just heartily filled toilet bowls but everything in this country seems to stand for excess, the Americans do things BIG. Huge cars, trucks and SUVs (sports utility vehicles, aka 4x4s) with their huge tanks to fill. Huge roads to drive them on, there is so much space here. Foods and drinks come in their extra-extra large sizes, I’ve never seen fruit and veg so big, apples the size of melons, melons the size of pigs! It makes me feel like I’ve shrunk back down to being 6 years old again..
Oooer, OK it looks like I shall have to cut this blog entry short for now, a storm is just getting started here in Merrick, 50mph winds are predicted in places, gosh. Time to turn off the PC.
More to come later then folks! I’m off to hunker down with a hot drink.