Hmmm, the other day I was making lunch in the kitchen here as the sun streamed in through the windows along the wood floors, when behind me came an unexpected visitor. He seemed the slippery sort so I got my father to help me eject him from the house. Not before taking a picture first though of course.
“Unexpected Snake Fellow”.
A first for the blog, a short movie!
Snake movie (right click save as).
“Slithery Snake Movie”, captured with the Fujifilm camera.
OK so it’s not exactly a huge man eater, the movie is in .wmv format because I only have access to ‘Windows Movie Maker’, sorry Mac-Linuxy people, will rectify matters when my laptop is delivered.
This place is surrounded by all sorts of insects and small critters, not for those with quesy dispositions!
I went outside afterwards because some of the locals were playing ‘Frisbee Golf’ where they would trample all over the hills here and aim their frisbees at Chucks Sculptures, the objective being to hit the target sculpture in least number of throws. They very kindly welcomed me to the game and let me have a go. The frisbees were quite small and hard to throw straight but I started to get the hang of it after a while.
Only trouble was it was easy to lose the frisbee in the thick overgrowth of the hills and surrounding woods so most of the game is actually spent looking for your frisbee instead of chucking it around, in fact we lost one when headed straight into the woods for a huge oak tree as our target, doh.
Whilst trampling around I spotted a Praying Mantis and then a snake about 4x the size of the one above, pretty groovy huh? Didn’t have the camera with me unfortunately then as it’s a little too big to carry around just like that. However that said I have my eyes on the camera I will buy which is really small but still full featured.
“FujiFilm FinePix F30”
I think it’ll make a great blogging camera, plus it has some of the best low light performance for its class. check out the review of it here:
A bit of a short and disjointed blog entry for today, however I gotta go and fix some food, shower and prepare some animation workshop materials before Karl gets here at 4pm!
More on that later…
hey now theres an idea – golf!
try some of the yank golf courses smilie, some of them are very nice
and if you want make me some boots out of one of those slimy critters